08/30/2019-4:12pmEach week the ISSC has engaging activities and workshops — take a look below to see what’s happening this week from Thursday, Aug. 29 through Thursday, Sept. 5.This week’s Let’s Chat workshop is on Thursday, Aug. 29 from 2 to 3 p.m. Come learn about using public transportation. Look ahead at other weekly workshops held in the first-floor amphitheater of the Student Services Building on the Tempe campus.Have questions about the on-campus employment process? Come learn tips about how to secure on-campus employment at an information session at the Student Services Building Amphitheater on Friday, Aug. 30 from 2 to 3 p.m.


Learn about employment-->

Also on Friday, Aug. 30, join us for Coffee and Conversation from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Student Services Building Amphitheater. This week we will hear from the Global Leadership Academy. There will be information on ways to get involved, fun games, snacks and drinks!


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Learn about specific issues you will encounter in U.S. culture and society at the Navigating U.S. Culture: Lunch n’ Learn Series. Come learn about dating in the U.S. on Thursday, Sept. 5 from 12 to 1 p.m., held in the Memorial Union 229 Santa Cruz. Lunch will be provided. RSVP here.We hope to see you at one of these workshops and events!