As a reminder, as part of your F-1 or J-1 visa compliance, you must complete and submit tax forms to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service annually.   If you have questions about the U.S. tax filing process, join us for an information session on Feb. 19 to have your questions answered. These information sessions will provide a basic overview of the U.S. tax filing process. You will not be able to complete your tax returns during these information sessions.    U.S. Tax Filing Process information sessions presented by Sprintax Wednesday, Feb. 19, 20204:30–5:30 p.m. or 6–7 p.m. Both sessions will be held in the Computing Commons, room 120, on the Tempe campus.  If you are unable to attend these in-person information sessions, you are welcome to join virtually for the 4:30–5:30 p.m. session. on Feb. 19. RSVP here to attend the session virtually.