
Online and Hybrid Course Enrollment

We understand that your students have strict policies and procedures in place that regulate online and/or hybrid credits permitted under their sponsorship during their degree program. To make these policies easier to manage, ASU offers online and hybrid course blocking as a service to our sponsors.

With this service, sponsors may request that ASU block their students from enrolling in online or hybrid classes. If a sponsor has requested this block, the student will receive an error message when they attempt to enroll in an online or hybrid course. Students will only be able to register for online or hybrid courses once our office receives sponsor approval for the particular course. 

If your office is not currently participating in this program, or would like to change your participation in the program, please email We will assist with implementing the changes for your students currently attending ASU and any incoming students in the future.

Approving students to enroll in online or hybrid classes 

If you are currently participating in our online and hybrid blocking services and wish to approve one of your students to enroll in an online or hybrid course at ASU, follow these steps:

  1. Submit your written approval in one of the following ways:
    • Provide a financial guarantee for the approved course.
    • Send an email authorization to ASU’s Sponsored Team (
      • The approval must include the student’s name and ASU ID number. 
  2. Please ensure that the approval specifies the course number, title and term. For example: PHY 131, University Physics II, Fall 2018. The student will be able to enroll only in the class specified.

This information is necessary in order for ASU to process the override to allow the student to enroll. Missing information could delay processing time. 

If you have questions about this process, please email us at

If you have questions about billing of online or hybrid classes, please contact Student Business Services at