Greetings from the International Students and Scholars Center! Summer is continuing to move along and we are just days away from July. Can you believe it? We hope you are having fun, and staying healthy and safe. 

This is the next installment in our summer email series covering a variety of topics as we count down to the start of the fall semester. This week, we’re focusing on ways for you to expand and enhance your U.S. education experience.

You’ve already taken the first step in growing your community, by studying in the U.S. as an international student. Did you know there are lots of ways you can connect with students from across the U.S.? ASU offers a variety of clubs, organizations and Greek life, which are great places to get to know students beyond those from your home country.



Sun Devil Sync

This is your starting point in finding the organizations, clubs or events you’re looking for. Sun Devil Sync is ASU’s online student involvement system. It connects students with organizations and vice versa. All student organizations use Sun Devil Sync for scheduling and information sharing.

Access Sun Devil Sync



Greek life at ASU

Fraternity and sorority life is the largest membership-based, multi-faceted community at ASU. There are more than 70 Greek-lettered organizations on campus, covering a variety of backgrounds, cultures and values. From councils to honors societies and alumni groups, being part of Greek life at ASU can be life-long and rewarding.

Explore Greek life


Intramural sports

Intramural sports at ASU offer you the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities at a wide range of skill levels. Intramural sports are a great way to enhance your ASU experience by meeting new people, building relationships, taking a healthy break from studying and having fun.

Intramural Sports Information


These are just a few of the many ways you can connect with other students. Things won’t feel so big and scary once you get to know other people. What types of organizations are you interested in? Your feedback will help us create new and engaging activities that will put international students around people from all over.

What types of things are you interested in? 

Whether you’re staying in town, traveling home or just kicking back and relaxing, the ISSC is here for you this summer. In addition to ensuring your visa status is up to date, we also provide summer programming like the summer book club and other activities on and off campus that you can participate in. We’re committed to helping international students explore what it means to be a global citizen and engage with others who share a global community mindset.