Greetings from the International Students and Scholars Center, and welcome to summer at Arizona State University! Congratulations on all your academic achievements during the spring semester. We hope you’re preparing for a fun, healthy and safe summer.

We want to stay connected with you. Over the next few months, you’re going to receive a series of emails covering a variety of topics as we count down to the start of the fall semester. They’ll cover things to do in Arizona, services offered by the ISSC and what you can expect this fall at ASU.

Whether you’re staying in town, traveling home, or just kicking back and relaxing, the ISSC is here for you. In addition to ensuring your immigration status is up to date, we also provide summer programming, like badminton tournaments and other activities on and off campus that you can participate in. We’re committed to helping international students explore what it means to be a global citizen and engage with others who share a global community mindset.

We hope you have a great summer no matter what you’re up to!