Register for classes

Greetings from the International Students and Scholars Center. We hope you enjoyed the winter break and are ready for spring classes. The first day of class is Monday, Jan. 8, 2024. All students are expected to return to campus by their first day of class.

Enrollment requirements
All F-1 and J-1 international students must enroll full time by the start of the semester. You should prepare your schedule so that you meet this requirement, which includes in-person credit requirements. As a reminder, all ASU Sync classes and iCourses are considered virtual courses and do not count toward in-person enrollment. If you need assistance with scheduling classes, please contact your academic advisor.

To maintain SEVIS compliance, F-1 and J-1 students must enroll in a full course of study and be inside the U.S. Students outside the U.S. cannot maintain SEVIS compliance. Please refer to the table below for a summary of full-time enrollment requirements:

Student status Minimum credit hours required Minimum in-person credit hours required
Undergraduate student 12 9
Graduate student 9 6
Graduate student with an
assistantship (TA/RA/GSA)
6 3


Please review the following information about in-person credit requirements:

  • While you may register for credits in various sessions, you must enroll in in-person courses for credit throughout the entire semester (courses in session C or a combination of courses in sessions A and B).
    • Hybrid courses are considered in-person courses and count toward the minimum in-person credit hours requirement.
    • All ASU Sync classes are considered virtual courses and do not count toward the minimum in-person credit hours requirement.
  • Hybrid courses combine in-person and virtual components and may not be permitted by some government-sponsored programs. If you are a government-sponsored student, make sure that you are permitted to take virtual or hybrid classes before registering.

What if I am graduating this semester?

If spring 2024 is your final semester, or you are completing thesis or dissertation hours and will be a part-time student, you must submit a request for an approved reduced course load no later than Jan. 9, 2023. Please note, the ISSC does not have to approve your reduced course load request by Jan. 9, 2023.


Have questions? Contact the ISSC.

Send an email

Give us a call


Virtual drop-in immigration advising

Mondays 9–11 a.m.

Tuesdays 1–3 p.m.

Thursdays 9–11 a.m.

Fridays 1–3 p.m.

(Arizona Time)

In-person drop-in immigration advising

Mondays 1–3 p.m.

Tuesdays 9–11 a.m.

Thursdays 1–3 p.m.

Fridays 9-11 a.m.

(Arizona Time)