
Withdrawing or Being Disqualified

Cancellation and Withdrawal

If you are a new or transfer student who has decided not to attend ASU, please contact ASU Admission Services to decline your admission and withdraw from all of your ASU courses (if any) prior to the semester start to avoid any related tuition and fee charges.

If you are a current student and wish to withdraw from ASU and do not plan to return, please contact the ISSC for further advisement.  Please also review Taking a Break for further information on temporary withdrawals. 

Suspended, Disqualified and Dismissal

If you have been suspended, disqualified or dismissed from your academic program, please contact the ISSC as soon as possible for further advisement.

If you are suspended, disqualified or dismissed while you are outside of the U.S., you are not allowed to return to the U.S. using your I-20 issued by ASU.