Information for departments and employers

Arizona State University welcomes and highly values our international student and scholar population.

Hailing from more than 135 countries around the world, ASU’s international students and scholars bring a unique perspective and valuable contributions to ASU. We aim to provide resources for external employers and ASU departments to be able to guide and support ASU’s international community.


Please use the menu for more information on how to support ASU’s international community.

For more information, contact the ISSC at 480-727-4776 or

ASU departments may submit an eForm application via sunapsis.

Click the button below to access sunapsis. If you are a department user that requires a Sunapsis account to submit this request, please contact the ISSC for access.

MyISSC eForm
Portal – Department access


Speaker request form

If you would like to request a presentation from ISSC staff as it relates to supporting ASU’s international community through cultural adjustment, employment authorizations and other regulations pertaining to their immigration status, please fill out our Speaker Request Form.