F-1 and J-1 students and scholars

Hiring and hosting F-1 and J-1 students

International students are eligible for work done and paid by Arizona State University and for work done and paid by ARAMARK Campus Dining and Follett Bookstore (commercial businesses on the campus that provide direct services to all ASU students).

This includes:

  • Hourly jobs, Research Assistant (RA) and Teaching Assistant (TA) positions.
  • Stipend jobs (cannot work more than the number of hours per week allowed).


Note: International students are not eligible for Federal Work-Study positions.  

SemesterNumber of hours per week (immigration regulation)*
Fall20 hours per week
Spring20 hours per week
Summer semester & Winter break40 hours per week

Note: All ASU students cannot work more than 25 hours per week on average during a 12 month period (all positions, including stipend-paid jobs).

Getting Started

  • All new and transfer students (first semester at ASU) must complete the SEVIS New Student Check-in eForm through My ASU so that ISSC can process SEVIS registration to activate their SEVIS record. 
  • Students will need to apply for a social security number (if they don't already have one).  In order to apply for a Social Security number, students will need an on-campus employer letter from their department/employer.
  • Students sponsored by government agencies may need permission from their sponsor in order to work on-campus. 
  • All international students are required to file a  U.S. Tax Return for each year they are physically present in the United States. 
  • If a student requests an Employment Offer letter:
    1. Write the employment offer letter using the fillable template provided*. As of July 24, 2019, the ISSC and SSA will only accept this new letter template. The DSO signature and name should be left blank.  For questions regarding an Employer Identification Number (EIN), please contact your department’s business manager or Human Resources at 855-278-5081 or HRESC@asu.edu.
    2. Print the letter (the best way to save the letter for your files is to print to PDF).
    3. Sign the letter in blue ink. An original signature is required by the Social Security Administration.
    4. Give the letter to the student to submit to the ISSC via an eForm request. The original offer letter is required by the ISSC for certification.
  • Once the student has had their official letter certified by the ISSC they will need to take the following documents to a Social Security Administration Office:
    1. Original Employment Offer letter certified by the ISSC
    2. Confirmation page from online  application form 
    3. Passport
    4. I-94
    5. Most current I-20
    6. Admission Stamp
  • The ISSC will provide full instructions to the student on how to apply for SSN with the Social Security Administration.

*This form may not be fillable in all browsers and should be opened in either Chrome or Microsoft Edge.



To be eligible for on-campus employment international students must:

  • Maintain their immigration status
  • Maintain a full course of study or in the final semester request ISSC approval for an Academic Reduced Course Load
  • Students who will begin on campus employment during the summer semester or winter break must be enrolled full-time for the next semester or have an approved Academic Reduced Course Load for the semester immediately following their start date.
  • If summer is their last semester, they must be enrolled in summer session classes.


  • Employment must not interfere with full-time study (no work during class time).
  • Work hours can be a maximum of 20 hours per week during the fall and spring semesters and up to 40 hours per week during the summer semester or winter break for all jobs combined.
  • Must be an ASU student. 
  • Students cannot work beyond their program completion date (undergraduate: commencement date, graduate: date of final academic activity)

Employment offer letter