Utilizing ASU graduates for degree-specific volunteer tasks is a win-win.
A student who has been authorized for Post-completion Optional Practical Training must maintain status by obtaining employment directly related to their field of study. Offering a volunteer position could benefit a recent ASU graduate by helping them maintain their status while searching for that perfect job.
Post-OPT students must not accrue more than 90 days of unemployment, and must work more than 20 hours per week.
Please note that students on the 24-month STEM Extension are not eligible to volunteer.
If you have any questions, please contact issc.employment@asu.edu.

Create an offer letter which includes:
Department letterhead — may be signed by a departmental HR representative or the hiring professor.
Description of the tasks the student will be performing, making it clear that the tasks are directly related to the student’s field of study.
The start date.
The number of hours required each week (must be 20 or more).
Feel free to use this Offer Letter template.
Reduce a student’s hours below 20 per week.
Request a student to perform tasks unrelated to their field of study.
Violate labor laws.