Sponsorship does not mean all tuition and fee charges reflected on your student account will be covered by the sponsor. You must regularly monitor your financial account to ensure all charges are cleared in a timely manner to avoid late fees.
What are some of the ASU costs typically NOT covered by sponsors?
- Parking fines and fees.
- ASU Payment Plan and Student Account late fees.
- Library late fees.
- Printing fees.
- Late enrollment fees.
- Insurance co-pays and Student Health Services usage fees.
The charges above will not be invoiced to a sponsor unless specific language within the financial guarantee clearly states the charge will be covered by the sponsor.
What are some of the typical ASU charges and costs covered by sponsors?
- Tuition.
- Mandatory fees, including:
- Student health insurance (unless provided by sponsor)
- Technology fee
- Student service facility fee
- Student programs fee
- Health and wellness fee
- Recreation fee
Learn more about third party sponsorships.
If you have questions, please email us at
Submitting your financial guarantee
You must submit a copy of your financial guarantee to ASU every time you receive one, whether for the first time or an updated version, in order to ensure that billing of your sponsor is not interrupted and to avoid late fees on your account.