If the college you plan to attend requires an authorization letter from the ISSC, please follow this process to make your request:

Coursework outside of ASU
Taking a course at a college or university other than ASU requires special permission from the International Students and Scholars Center and your sponsor.

Get sponsor approval
As a sponsored student, you must get permission from your sponsor to take a class at another school, even if you are paying for the class with your own funds.
Submit required documents
- Submit the Authorization for Additional Coursework Outside of ASU eForm.
- Upload your sponsor's approval in the eForm. Your sponsor may also email it directly to sponsored@asu.edu.
Ensure you are enrolled full time at ASU
Ensure you are enrolled full time at ASU during the term in which you plan to take the course outside of ASU (if requesting approval for a fall or spring term), or the term after you plan to take the course (if requesting approval for a winter or summer term).
Ensure your local and SEVIS addresses in My ASU are correct and up to date
Your local address must be your address here in Arizona, and your SEVIS address must be your address in your home country.
Maintaining full time enrollment
As a reminder, authorization for additional coursework outside of ASU does not provide part-time enrollment authorization at ASU. You must contact the ISSC for advisement before dropping any ASU classes. Failure to do so will jeopardize your immigration status.