Workshop focused on helping international students understand U.S. workplace culture, communication styles, and etiquette to excel in their professional environment.

Location: Cooley Ballroom A - Polytechnic campus

Learn to create a professional portfolio to showcase work, achievements, and skills. Ideal for students in creative fields and those seeking to enhance their applications.

Location: MU 085 Union Stage

Navigating the job market can be overwhelming, but with the right tools and strategies, you can set yourself up for success! Join us for an informative and hands-on session designed to help job seekers at all levels master the job application process from start to finish.

A 2-hour challenge where students analyze U.S. job descriptions and align resumes to meet job expectations.

Location: Memorial Union - MU 085 Union Stage

During this session for international students, we will provide an overview of the various ways to search for jobs, with a focus on on-campus ASU jobs. Come ready to take notes and learn how to find positions that fit your experience, interests, and goals!

Location: Cooley Ballroom A, Polytechnic

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