Preparing for a career fair should know about CPT and OPT. CPT allows work experience while studying, and OPT offers work opportunities after graduation. Understanding the application process and eligibility criteria for these programs is crucial for international students to maximize their career-fair experience and secure future job prospects in the United States.

Location: Student Union (UNION) - Cooley Ballroom

Preparing for a career fair should know about CPT and OPT. CPT allows work experience while studying, and OPT offers work opportunities after graduation. Understanding the application process and eligibility criteria for these programs is crucial for international students to maximize their career-fair experience and secure future job prospects in the United States.

Location: SSV Amphitheater 165

Whether you're hoping to create your first resume or make updates to your application materials, this session will give you the tools to draft a quality resume and cover letter. Open to all international students. Please bring a laptop if you have one. We hope to see you there!

Location: SSV Amphitheater 165

If you have a great story to share or want to hear stories about international travel, join us at International Story Slam Night. From interesting study abroad stories to heartwarming stories about living abroad, come laugh with fellow students, faculty and scholars. If you have a story to tell, let us know. 

Location: SSV Amphitheater

Come on over to our awesome GCC - Graduate Coffee and Conversations event, where there will be discussions led by fellow students, global peer mentors, and ISSC staff. It's the perfect spot to meet new people, get the inside scoop on living the student life at ASU in the US, and pick up helpful tips on cool stuff like community service, dating, school breaks, and your rights.

Location: Multicultural Communities of Excellence (MCoE) Tempe Student Pavilion, 321

Roll your dice and be the board game King or Queen for the night! ISSC and the library will have a table top game night once a month on the 2nd Wednesday of every month in Hayden Library for international students, as well as domestic students! This event is great to get to know other students as well as librarians and the library resources. If you have a board game you would like to request for one of our game nights, please let us know in advance and we will request it!

Location: Hayden Library - P.O.D. Market

Come on over to our awesome GCC - Graduate Coffee and Conversations event, where there will be discussions led by fellow students, global peer mentors, and ISSC staff. It's the perfect spot to meet new people, get the inside scoop on living the student life at ASU in the US, and pick up helpful tips on cool stuff like community service, dating, school breaks, and your rights.

Location: Multicultural Communities of Excellence (MCoE) Tempe Student Pavilion, 321

New in Arizona? Want to explore cool places off-campus or even across the country? Join our Learn Arizona series at ASU! Not only will we dish out insider tips on awesome spots to check out, reachable by public transport or walking, plus farther destinations that require some planning.

Location: TBD

Dreamscape Learn is a unique virtual reality experience. It is a collaborative venture between Dreamscape Immersive and ASU. Experience the future of education and entertainment at this unique event. The event is for one hour and 30 minutes and will consist of an education experience and an entertainment experience. Education experience will be either Dreamscape Learn Biology or Dreamscape Learn Chemistry. Entertainment experience will be either the Alien Zoo or Curse of the Lost Pearl.

Come on over to our awesome GCC - Graduate Coffee and Conversations event, where there will be discussions led by fellow students, global peer mentors, and ISSC staff. It's the perfect spot to meet new people, get the inside scoop on living the student life at ASU in the US, and pick up helpful tips on cool stuff like community service, dating, school breaks, and your rights.

Location: Multicultural Communities of Excellence (MCoE) Tempe Student Pavilion, 321

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