
Academic integrity

The International Students and Scholars Center is excited that you have chosen to study at Arizona State University. There may be some cultural differences concerning academic integrity, so it’s important that you understand ASU’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Learn more about academic integrity and understand the expectations of you as a student in a U.S. classroom.

What does academic dishonesty include?

Academic dishonesty includes:

  • Cheating
  • Plagiarizing
  • Fabricating data
  • Inappropriate collaboration
  • Multiple submissions

We understand that the definition for some of these issues may differ depending on the cultural practices of your own country, however, ASU students are expected to abide by ASU’s Academic Integrity Policy

Cultural differences in understanding academic integrity may include:

  • Valuing sources as the authority and believing there is no need to cite the author when using their words.
    • When using materials from the internet or any other source, you must give full and appropriate attribution.
  • The notion that using an author’s own words is a form of respect.
    • Claiming credit for or work done by another is a form of disrespect.
  • The importance of helping a fellow student in need.
    • Providing inappropriate aid to another person in connection with any Academic Evaluation or assignment, including the unauthorized use of camera phones, text messages, photocopies, notes or other means to copy or photograph materials used or intended for Academic Evaluation is not allowed.  

While ASU supports the cultural identity of all students, we strongly encourage students to reach out for support if they have any questions about ASU’s Academic Integrity Policy. Please email with any questions.

General Guidelines

We’re providing some tips and resources to help you avoid academic integrity issues. If you have any questions about an assignment, test or your professor’s expectations, it is highly recommended that you speak with your professor or teaching assistant for clarification. 


Cheating includes copying answers from another person’s assignment or test, using your class notes or any type of technology to find answers to a test while you are taking it or paying someone to write your essay or take your test for you.


  • Sitting next to a friend during an exam can be viewed suspiciously. It is best to sit away from  friends during exams.
  • Students are not allowed to copy off of another student’s exam. Copying anyone’s answers is considered cheating. 
  • Allowing anyone to copy your answers is cheating.  Report any instances of cheating to your professor immediately.


Plagiarism is copying someone else's words or ideas and using it as your own without recognizing the original author(s) or having incorrect or improper citations.

  • Purchasing a paper or using a friends work to aid you will result in plagiarism
  • Use your own words when possible instead of copying directly from a source
  • When you start writing begin by jotting down your ideas; then go back to the author's original work
  • Use quotation marks and properly cite when you use words directly from a source
  • Even when you paraphrase another author's writings, you must properly cite them to give credit to that author

Fabricating Data

Falsification is the practice of eliminating or changing research materials, equipment, data, or processes in such a way that the results of the research are no longer accurate or truthful. Fabrication is also the practice of inventing data or results and reporting them as actual truth.

  • Never make up data to prove your point or hypothesis
  • Speak to your professor if you are having difficulty collecting data
  • False data creates false results; false results creates false impressions

Inappropriate Collaboration

Working with another student on a course assignment without receiving permission from the professor or submitting the same assignment for two or more people in a group is considered inappropriate collaboration.

  • There is a difference between data and one’s interpretation of that data
  • Dividing up the work and then swapping it between group members is not acceptable
  • Make sure you follow the instructions of your professor
  • Even when doing an assignment with a group, typically your professors want to see your thoughts and conclusions

Multiple Submissions

Students are not allowed to submit a course assignment for a class when it has already been submitted for another class.

  • While we understand that “it’s my paper” - even professors must cite themselves and acknowledge the paper when using previous work on a current paper or research project
  • Ask your Professor about what your intentions are in how you’ll use your previous work
  • You should build on previous work, not copy previous work



Academic Integrity at ASU Tutorial

The Academic Integrity at ASU tutorial also will walk you through the importance of academic integrity. Upon completion of the tutorial you will be able to:

  • Describe the five types of academic integrity
  • Identify the do's and don'ts of academic integrity at ASU
  • Recognize the consequences of academic dishonesty